Endre Borbáth

Junior Professor • Heidelberg University • WZB Berlin Social Science Center


I am a junior professor of Empirical-Analytical Participation Research at the Institute of Political Science at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. I am also a guest researcher at the Center for Civil Society Research at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center.

Research interests: Comparative Politics • Political Sociology • Political Participation • Social Movements • Party Competition • Democracy • Civil Society • Cleavages • Linkages • Environmental Politics • Climate Change • Western Europe • Central and Eastern Europe • Research Methods.

Previously I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Freie Universität Berlin and at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. I received my PhD in December 2018 from the European University Institute. Before that, I studied political science at the Central European University with a focus on electoral politics. You can find my more detailed CV here.

To get in touch you can find my contact information here. If you would like to book office hours with me, please send me an email.

For recent updates, feel free to browse my Twitter feed.

recent news [full archive]

Oct 07, 2024 I’ve prepared the syllabi for the two seminars I will teach in the winter semester at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg:
  1. Party - Movement Interactions (MA)
  2. Quantitative Methods in the Study of Political Behavior (BA & MA)
Sep 25, 2024 New paper on Varieties of trade union protest, co-authored with Gesine Höltmann and Swen Hutter, published online in Socio-Economic Review!
You find the paper here (open access), see this link for the replication material.
Aug 27, 2024 New paper on Environmental protests in Europe, co-authored with Swen Hutter, published online in the Journal of European Public Policy!
You find the paper here (open access), see this link for the replication material.

new publications

  1. SER
    Varieties of trade union protest
    Gesine Höltmann ,  Endre Borbáth ,  and  Swen Hutter
    Socio-Economic Review, 2024
  2. JEPP
    Environmental protests in Europe
    Endre Borbáth ,  and  Swen Hutter
    Journal of European Public Policy, 2024
  3. Acta Pol.
    Party system transformation from below: protests by Jobbik and LMP
    Endre Borbáth ,  and  Pál Susánszky
    Acta Politica, 2024
  4. Blauen Band
    Risikokonflikte und die Restrukturierung des Parteienwettbewerbs
    Endre Borbáth ,  and  Swen Hutter
    In Wahlen und Wähler - Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2021 , 2024
  5. PolBeh
    Differentiation in Protest Politics - Participation by Political Insiders and Outsiders
    Endre Borbáth
    Political Behavior, 2023