party-movement interactions

forms of interaction between the electoral and the protest arena

The share of party-sponsored protests from all organized protests in a country. From Borbáth & Hutter 2021.
Studying the different forms of interaction between the electoral and the protest arena is a topic I explore from a variety of different angles. The research lies at the intersection of the literature on party competition and social movement studies. It encompasses both a large n statistical overview and selected case studies designed to illustrate the different mechanisms of how parties and protest movements interact.

I do most of this work with Swen Hutter, we are currently working on a book manuscript on these questions.


  • Weisskircher, M., Hutter, S., & Borbáth, E. (2022). Protest and Electoral Breakthrough: Challenger Party-Movement Interactions in Germany. German Politics, online first.
    Open access online
  • Borbáth, E., & Hutter, S. (2021). Protesting Parties in Europe: A comparative analysis. Party Politics, 27(5), 896–908.
    Open access online or replication material
  • Borbáth, E., & Hutter, S. (2020). Are political parties recapturing the streets of Europe? A cross-regional study of party protests in the Great Recession. In H. Kriesi, J. Lorenzini, B. Wüest, & S. Häusermann (Eds.), Contention in times of crises: Recession and political protest in 30 European countries (pp. 251–272). Cambridge University Press.
    Open access online

Working papers

  • Borbáth, E., & Hutter, S. How Political Parties Interact with Social Movements.
  • Borbáth, E., & Hutter, S. What is in the name? Political party (re-)branding in Europe.