
May 14, 2024 New paper with Pál Susánszky ‘Party system transformation from below: protests by Jobbik and LMP’. We examine how the protest presence of Jobbik and LMP contributed to the transformation of the Hungarian party system. We use two datasets of protest events and trace these parties from the first Jobbik sponsored event in 2002 to the 2022 elections.
May 06, 2024 We wrote a new German-language chapter ‘Risikokonflikte und die Restrukturierung des Parteienwettbewerbs’ with Swen Hutter. We examine how are conflicts around climate change and Covid-19 embedded in the political space. We use both supply (on election campaigns, 1976-2021) and demand side data (Political Barometer 1985-2022, and the GLES post-election surveys 2013-2021).
Apr 09, 2024 I’ve drafted the syllabi for the seminars I will teach in my first semester in Heidelberg:
  1. Political Conflict in Western and Eastern Europe (MA)
  2. Introduction to Political Participation Research (BA)
Feedback welcome! 🧐
Apr 08, 2024 I have contributed to the new working paper ‘Mass Reproducibility and Replicability: A New Hope’. I co-authored a replication report on Manekin and Mitts (2022) together with Jan Fabian Dollbaum (University College Dublin, European University Institute) and Jan Matti Dollbaum (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München). The report is available here.
Mar 15, 2024 I will be presenting a paper entitled Cleavages in Central and Eastern European Party Competition in the workshop Cleavage Politics in Western Democracies at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops in Lüneburg. The event will take place between March 25-28, 2024.
Feb 04, 2024 I will be presenting our work on the names of political parties (co-authored with Swen Hutter) at the APSA virtual research meeting in the panel “Global Insights on Political Parties” on Thursday, February 8, at 3:00 to 4:30pm CET. If you want to join, you find the link in the program.
Feb 01, 2024 Our new working paper “Cultural Backlash? Trends in Opinion Polarisation between Educational Groups in Five European Countries” co-authored with Stephan Dochow-Sondershaus and Céline Teney is now available online on SocArXiv.
Jan 25, 2024 I am happy to share that I will be joining the University of Heidelberg as Junior Professor for Empirical-Analytical Participation Research from February onwards.
Dec 06, 2023 We published a replication report on Manekin and Mitts (2022) together with Jan Fabian Dollbaum (University College Dublin, European University Institute) and Jan Matti Dollbaum (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München). The report is available on this link.
Oct 11, 2023 We are looking for a student assistant with interest in social movement mobilisation & party competition to join us at the Freie Universität Berlin, and at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. Quant skills (R and/or Stata) plus English & some other EU languages required (German is not a must). See the call here!
Aug 28, 2023 After some consideration, I have decided to attend APSA and a pre-conference on the political economy of climate and the environment. On August 30th at 11:00 am I’ll be presenting the paper “Environmental Protests in Europe” at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center. On the same day, same place, at 14:00, I give a flash talk on a proposal I’ve been working on, entitled “The new climate change divide”. On Aug. 31, at 8:00 AM I’ll present on “How Do Voters Respond to Party Brands?” at the LACC, 513. If you are in the area & want to meet up, let me know! 👋
Jun 26, 2023 I will be present our work on the environmental protests at the Council of European Studies conference in Reykjavik, co-authored with Swen Hutter. If you are around, join the amazing panel on political participation and collective action on Wednesday at 4:00 PM in room N-121, Askja. I am looking forward to seeing many of you!
Mar 22, 2023 For German speakers: We wrote a short article with Tamás Borbáth on the European dimensions of climate change as a political issue. You find it in the pdf here (p. 54-57).
Feb 01, 2023 Our special issue, “Politics under Pressure: Polarisation and Participation in Western Europe”, edited with Swen Hutter and Arndt Leininger has recently been published online by West European Politics. The issue also includes our introductory article entitled “Cleavage politics, polarisation and participation in Western Europe”. You can access it here, and here you find a twitter thread presenting the issue.
Dec 12, 2022 My new article entitled Differentiation in Protest Politics - Participation by Political Insiders and Outsiders is accepted for publication in Political Behavior. You can access the paper here and you can find the replication material on this link.
Oct 27, 2022 Our article entitled “Typology of Postcommunist Successor Parties in Central and Eastern Europe and an Explanatory Framework for Their (Non-)Success” with Seongcheol Kim has been published in East Central Europe! We review and contribute to the literature on the fate of postcommunist successor parties through a comparatice analysis of parties in the Czech Republic, (the former East) Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia.
You can access the article here. You can find a twitter thread with more info on the paper here!
Aug 09, 2022 Our chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Political Participation on “Bridging Electoral and Nonelectoral Political Participation” with Swen Hutter has been published! We review and contribute to the literature on how electoral and nonelectoral participation are combined.
You can access it here!. You can find a twitter thread with more info on the chapter here!
Jul 06, 2022 I will be presenting the working paper The Mobilizing Capacity of Organized Civil Society during the Pandemic, co-authored with Gesine Höltmann and Swen Hutter, at the Frontiers in Civil Society Research workshop, at the WZB, in Berlin. Join the event for the public roundtable on ‘Reviving Social Capital Theory or Searching for New Key Concepts?’. You can register here.
Jun 28, 2022 I will be presenting the working paper Just Call Me Movement: Party (Re-)branding in Europe co-authored with Swen Hutter, at the Conference of Europeanists in Lisbon. Due to a last-minute change in the schedule, I present in the panel ‘Ideology and Party Politics in Europe and Latin America’ on the 29th of June, from 4:00 PM to 5:45 PM (Room C5.08). See the pdf program.
I will also be the discussant of the panel ‘EU Resilience in Times of COVID-19?: Public Support, Legitimacy, and Solidarity’ on the 30st of June, from 4:00 PM to 5:45 PM (Room B2.01).
Apr 24, 2022 New publication: our article on “Protest and Electoral Breakthrough: Challenger Party-Movement Interactions in Germany” with Manès Weisskircher and Swen Hutter is available open access in German Politics. Check out the paper here!
Apr 20, 2022 I reviewed “Extreme Reactions - Radical Right Mobilization in Eastern Europe” by Lenka Buštíková for Party Politics. You can access it here!
Apr 02, 2022 If you are interested in the upcoming Hungarian elections, we wrote 1) a short blogpost in German on the effects of the war; and 2) a longer analysis in English on the party offer. Both are the result of a cooperation with the PRECEDE project, partly based on their voting advice application.
Jan 14, 2022 New publication: our German language chapter “Politische Parteien als Protestakteure” with Swen Hutter is available in the volume edited by Jenni Brichzin and Jasmin Siri Soziologie der Parteien: Neue Zugänge zu einer alten Organisationsform des Politischen. Check out the book here!
Dec 18, 2021 We are organising a workshop at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops with Fred Paxton on Movement Parties: their rise, variety, and consequences. The workshop is scheduled to take place between the 19th and the 22nd of April 2022, at the University of Edinburgh, hopefully face-to-face. If you are working on the topic, hand in your application on the ECPR platform by the 2nd of February!
Oct 11, 2021 We are organizing a hybrid workshop with the title “Contentious Interactions: Frontiers in Protest Research” at the Center for Civil Society Research. You find more information here, where you can also register and join us online.
Aug 30, 2021 I’ll present our work on party-movement interactions with Swen Hutter in two upcoming conferences. On Friday, the 3rd of September, at 9 AM (GMT+2) I will take part in the panel entitled “The Influence of Movement Parties on Democratic Quality” at the ECPR general conference. You can also listen to the presentation during the Congress of the German Political Science Association (DVPW) on Thursday, the 16th of September, at 14:30 PM (GMT+2) in the panel entitled “Party-movement relations from the left to the right: Between cooperation and conflict”. If you are interested in reading the manuscript of our upcoming book on the subject, don’t hesitate to reach out!
Aug 03, 2021 New publication - our paper “How do populist radical right parties differentiate their appeal? Evidence from the media strategy of the Hungarian Jobbik party” with Theresa Gessler is published open access in Government and Opposition. To read it click here.
May 10, 2021 New publication - our research note “Civic and Political Engagement during the Multifaceted COVID-19 Crisis” with Sophia Hunger, Swen Hutter, and Ioana‐Elena Oana is available open access in the Swiss Political Science Review. To read the article click here.
Apr 18, 2021 New publication - our chapter “COVID-19 in Central and Eastern Europe - Focus on Czechia, Hungary, and Bulgaria” with Olga Löblová and Julia Rone is available open access in Greer, S. L., King, E. J., da Fonseca, E. M., & Peralta-Santos, A. (Eds.). (2021). Coronavirus Politics: The Comparative Politics and Policy of COVID-19. University of Michigan Press. For more info click here.
Jan 20, 2021 Panel discussion – in Hungarian – “Will 2021 continue to be a year of crises?”, together with Zsoldos István (economist and data scientist), and Sipos Katalin (biologist), organized by the Energihajó podcast and For more info click here.
Dec 05, 2020 Roundtable – in Hungarian – on the 2020 Romanian Parliamentary Elections, together with Csilla Zsigmond and István Gergő Székely, organized by, see here.
Oct 26, 2020 New project presenting the collection of public opinion polls conducted in the run up to the 2020 Romanian Parliamentary Elections, see here. Also see our op-ed in Libertatea written with Raluca Toma and Gábor Tóka.
Sep 18, 2020 Our piece, co-authored with Olga Löblová and Julia Rone, on the health and economic policies implemented during the Corona crisis in Central and Eastern Europe has been published by the Conversation and by Qubit in Hungarian. Stay tuned for our forthcoming chapter on the topic!
Sep 01, 2020 Our chapter, co-authored with Swen Hutter, with the title “Are Political Parties Recapturing the Streets of Europe?” has been published in our latest CUP POLCON book, “Contention in Times of Crisis - Recession and Political Protest in Thirty European Countries”.
Jun 01, 2020 We are starting a new project on “The Potentials of Civil Society: Solidarity and Crisis Management” to examine civic and political engagement, as well as the development of civil society organizations during the Covid-19 crisis. To find out more about our project, please check the website.
Apr 06, 2020 We launched the Observatory for Political Conflict and Democracy - PolDem a joint initiative of the European University Institute and the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. You find on the website a multitude of data on protest events, election campaigns, and public debates.